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最佳答案泰坦尼克号主题曲英文 1、And last for a lifetime 2、You have come to show you go on 3、One true time I hold to. 4、Every night in my dreams 5、And my heart will go on and on 6、And I know that my heart will go on 7、Near far......


1、And last for a lifetime

2、You have come to show you go on

3、One true time I hold to.

4、Every night in my dreams

5、And my heart will go on and on

6、And I know that my heart will go on

7、Near far whenever you are

8、主题曲《My Heart Will Go On》于1997年12月8日由哥伦比亚唱片公司发布,收录于席琳迪翁的第五张英文专辑《Let&#xs Talk About Love》中。



11、Once more you open the door

12、That my heart will go on

13、I believe that the heart does go on

14、and spaces between us

15、And last for a lifetime

16、you are safe in my heart

17、《My Heart Will Go On》还曾获得过奥斯卡金像奖和金球奖颁发的“最佳原创歌曲奖”,以及格莱美奖颁发的“年度制作”、“年度歌曲”和“最佳流行女声”等奖项。

18、and my heart will go on and on

19、You are safe in my heart

20、That my heart will go on


22、Love was when I loved you


24、You are safe in my heart,

25、And you&#xre here in my heart

26、once more you open the door


28、Every night in my dreams

29、You are safe in my heart


31、And spaces between us.

32、And spaces between us

33、I believe that the heart does go on

34、in my life we&#xll always go on

35、And last for a lifetime

36、I feel you That is how I know you go on

37、and you&#xre here in my heart

38、《My Heart Will Go On》曾红极一时,登上美国、英国、德国、法国、加拿大和丹麦等十八国音乐排行榜第一名,拿下多周冠军。

39、I believe that the heart does go on

40、And my heart will go on and on


42、We&#xll stay forever this way

43、Near far whenever you are

44、you&#xre here, there&#xs nothing i fear,

45、Love was when I loved you

46、i believe that the heart does go on

47、That the heart does go on

48、And my heart will go on and on


50、That the heart does go on

51、In my life well always go on

52、we&#xll stay forever this way.

53、You’re here there is nothing I fear

54、Once more you open the door

55、英文名:My Heart Will Go On 席琳-迪翁


57、we&#xll stay forever this way.

58、Near far wherever you are

59、And you&#xre here in my heart

60、And never let go till we&#xre gone

61、And my heart will go on and on

62、Once more you open the door

63、Love was when I loved you

64、I believe that the heart does go on

65、Love was when I loved you

66、And you&#xre here in my heart

67、And you’re here in my heart

